Mélange d'oxyde de zinc

29,00 $CA
29,00 $CA
29,00 $CA

« L’huile de macadamia et l’oxyde de zinc (18%) contribuent, ensemble, à faire de cette crème un baume protecteur idéal contre les rigueurs des saisons inclémentes et les irritations cutanées qui en découlent. Cette crème s’absorbe bien sous la peau bien qu’elle soit plus épaisse. Elle se compose également de beurre de karité, d’avocat, de vitamines et d’huiles essentielles méticuleusement sélectionnées, ce produit nutritif naturel apaise, adoucit et protège l’épiderme. Appréciez les saisons, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur! » Earth to Body


Erin F., Ottawa

We love your products. Our whole family uses them! Thank you for making such, safe, wonderful and natural products. We are also happy that they are made here in Canada.

Kelly W. Toronto

I love the zinc oxide on my kids. It is such a natural and safe sun block and they never mind when I put it on them. They love it.

Karen B., Comox Valley, BC

I have used the zinc oxide cream for three years for my practices and races while participating with my competitive dragon boat team on Vancouver Island.  With all the hours on the water, I have never suffered sunburn and have recommended this product to others on my team.  Both sons are active with outdoor activities and are now using this product as well.  It contains ingredients that we can recognize and provides excellent protection from the sun.

Risa, Toronto

I use this everywhere, even on my face. What I love is that it leaves a glow, it's not greasy at all! I use very little and it covers my whole face. the oils are great for it. finally a natural sunscreen that I love :)

Marnie, Comox, BC

I have used this product for 4 years on my 4 children and myself. We love it. Never have had a burn. My Mum bought a children's sunscreen in 2016 and took the grandkids for a holiday. That "children's" sunscreen ate all four of my kids goggles. How can that be good for the skin? My Mum now uses Earth to Body sunscreen. It does not eat goggles.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Marnie.  We agree.  Goggle eating chemicals cannot be good for the skin!

Lina Chen

This is one of the two eczema creams which work for my daughter. It is not greasy. Most importantly, it works. We tried all drug store eczema cream, nothing works.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Feedback on the zinc oxide has been most positive, not only for the sun, but also for itchy skin conditions like eczema. Thank you for sharing, Lina.

Kaya Toronto

Excellent sunscreen ever! I have used so many mineral sunscreens but always make my acne come out, but this earth to body product make my skin smooth and comfortable! Definitely will buy again, please set a store in Toronto.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

The ingredients in the zinc are wonderful on the skin and we thank you for writing!

Helen Breil

I love your products. I have Rosacea and I use your zinc oxide everyday to control it. I also love your pure argan oil which I also use on my face and sometimes on my hair. Great stuff!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Most interesting to hear that the zinc calms your rosacea. Thank you for sharing, Helen.

Danette Niefer - Medicine Hat

I have been buying your zinc cream and I love it. I use as an antiperspirant, heals my hives, helps my rosacea, and works as a barrier for any skin problem and helps heal my skin. Because of Covid my husband has to wear gloves at work and they we bothering his skin. Making his hands itch and get sore. I suggested he try the zinc cream on his hands. It worked!! He never forgets to put it on now and has since shared it with people he works with. I also use the cream on my scar as when I sweat from heat it hurts and if I put the cream on where ever I need , it is a barrier that really helps. I always keep on hand as I never want to run out! Thanks for making such a useful cream!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you so much, Danette for the testimonial. Zinc is amazing!

Maria Britto

I use this product and many of your products daily. I just love that they are natural, hand made and made in Canada. The zinc oxide is incredible. We travel a lot and this product is perfect for the hotter climates. I also love the non greasy glow it leaves under my make up. I now use the moisturizer and love it. I have also passed on the zinc oxide to my grandkids.

Would love if you could develop a facial scrub and a 30 day travel kit!!
Then I will have a complete regime daily even while travelling.

Thank you for the incredible products.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Wonderful testimonial, Maria. Thank you. We do have the Manitouka Scrub. Very popular when used gently on the face!  A travel kit is on our to do list :)

Holly, Chemainus

Tried the tube of Zinc Oxide cream for the first time, I was looking for a replacement for commercial sunscreen. I love it, works great on my arms & legs and I use it on my face even though it is a bit greasy but the oils in it are wonderful for my skin and I find the protection to be excellent. My "sun spots" have not darkened at all this summer, even in this heat wave we are having at the moment. Love it!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Holly, for taking the time to write. You will find many uses for it!

Sarah M.

Bought some lotion on the boardwalk at Harrison hot springs in bc years ago. Absolutely love using the zinc lotion on my kids for sunscreen. There really isn't anything else out there like it.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Most refreshing, Sarah!

Brandy - Smiths Falls, Ontario

This container of amazingness has been a frequent multi-purpose for our family. We live on a farm and have 4 kids, so it has cleared up many things from diaper rash, bug bites, skin irritation from plants and used as sun screen. We love it and will always keep this product stocked up!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Zinc does do wonderful things.  Thank you, Brandy.

Nancy, ontario

this is the very best ! my skin is sensitive to things on the market...... this is the only sunscreen I use and it is the best.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you Nancy. Our zinc blend is very gentle and soothing on the skin.

Diane - Halifax, NS

As a long time user of E2B skincare products, this year I decided to try their Zinc Oxide Blend & I’m so glad I did.

As an avid gardener, I spend a lot of time outside & being fair skinned, I burn very easily thus sunscreen has become a necessity. However most sunscreen products are made with a nasty chemical cocktail that causes my sinuses to constantly run, which is extremely uncomfortable & concerning.

We are very health conscious family, many years ago we converted our household over to environmental friendly, septic safe cleaners, laundry detergents, etc.; so it was now time to try a new approach for UV protection too.

I cover up as much as possible (sunhat, sun glasses, UV clothing, etc.), and started applying the zinc oxide on exposed areas, this summer. Despite the high temperatures & humidity which caused profuse sweating, this product was LONG lasting, did not cause my sinuses to run and I did NOT get sunburnt

Personally, I don’t like feeling sticky and this product is very thick, thus a bit uncomfortable at first. However it rubs in well, stays put, is extremely effective & washes off easily in the shower. So I will definitely buy it again.

Thank you for making such wonderful products - wishing you continued success in the future.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

A most heart-felt testimonial, Diane.  So glad you like the zinc blend...a go-to for so many issues!

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Tous les ingrédients de ce produit

Extrait d’huile de pépins de citron
Bois de santal
Beurre de karité
Vitamine C
Vitamine E
Huile de sésame
Oxyde de zinc
Huile de macadamia
Huile de graines de carottes
Aloe vera
Huile d’avocat
Cire d’abeille
Beurre de cacao
L’extrait d’huile de pépins de citron (citrus medica limonum) est un dérivé bio-agrume qui agit à titre d’agent de conservation naturelle.
Le bois de santal (santalum album) dégage un parfum riche, boisé et terreux, et au dire de certains, il recèle des qualités aphrodisiaques. Cette essence a des qualités adoucissantes et apaisantes. ...
Le beurre de karité (butrosperum parkii) nous vient de la noix de karité qui se trouve à l’intérieur du fruit de l’arbre à beurre d’Afrique. Notre beurre de karité biologique, non raffiné, nous vient ...
La vitamine C (acide ascorbique) contient des éléments qui aident à prévenir le vieillissement précoce de la peau. Cette vitamine renferme aussi des propriétés essentielles à la biosynthèse du collagè...
La vitamine E (tocopheryl acetate) est un élément nutritif anti-oxydant essentiel qui protège la peau contre les éléments et qui prévient aussi les dommages causés par l'assèchement. 
L’huile de sésame (sesamum indicum) est un merveilleux hydratant. De teinte jaune pâle, elle présente un arôme de noix prononcé et son odeur est particulièrement sucrée. L’huile de sésame a une haute ...
Ce pigment minéral blanc agit comme écran protecteur contre l’humidité pour soulager les peaux sensibles. On le retrouve dans plusieurs préparations pour le soin de la peau; il agit comme astringent a...
L’huile de macadamia (macadamia integrifolia) est à la fois riche et onctueuse; sa grande stabilité oxydative convient particulièrement à la confection de crèmes plus épaisses. L’huile s’absorbe bien ...
L’huile de graines de carottes (daucus carota) provient surtout des plants de carottes sauvages, et on les trouve en Europe. C’est une plante annuelle ou bisannuelle garnie de feuilles velues et d’omb...
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) le jus de la feuille accroît la diffusion d’oxygène sur la peau; il appaise et adoucit la peau tout en stimulant le renouvellement des cellules. L’aloe améliore la texture...
Le camellia (camellia sinensis)  est une fleur subtropicale du Sud-est asiatique dont les propriétés agissent comme excellents agents revitalisants cutanés. Il affermit la peau, l'hydrate et la fortif...
L’huile d’avocat (persea gratissima) renferme les vitamines A, B, et D ; elle est riche en lécithine. C’est une huile qui pénètre les couches supérieures de la peau et lui redonne sa texture naturelle...
La cire d’abeille (unrefined, natural) est riche en carotène. C'est l'un des plus merveilleux éléments de la nature qui s'emploie comme agent épaississeur, émulsifiant et hydratant (il aide à conserve...
Le beurre de cacao est une cire qui provient de la graine de cacao (théobroma). Cet émollient crémeux et léger renferme des propriétés adoucissantes et il s’absorbe aisément dans la peau.