Your deodorant may boast these accolades: 'Easy to use. Does not stain. Feels good on the skin. Great scent.'But these swipes could be dangerous to your health. Especially if they contain the Forever chemicals, a.k.a. PFAS. These…
Lorsque vous évaluez votre consommation alimentaire sur la base de son contenu nutritionnel, vous obtenez un 4, un 6 ou un 8? Qu'en est-il des soins de la peau, tout aussi importants ?Récemment, un client nous a écrit à propos de…
« Je suis prête », a-t-elle déclaré en entrant dans le magasin. « Ce ne sera pas facile, je le sais. J'aime ma routine. Mon shampoing, mon après-shampoing, mon gel douche, mon savon. Ils sentent bon, ils moussent bien. Ils…
…à quel point elles aiment brouter les feuilles et le fruit charnu de l’arganier noueux, natif du Maroc. Elles vous diront que c’est un jeu d’enfant que de grimper dans cet arbre; et parfois, 8 à 9 chèvres s’amusent à faire…
Guys tell us why they love us. Here is what we heard.
You wash the hair, shave the beard and clean the body with the same shampoo/soap. Whether you like a quickie shower or a lingering one, the soap does the job. You are clean…
Exfoliating and cleansing with a felted wool soap is an exhilarating experience. There are other various body brushing techniques offered on the market and many are excellent at exfoliating, increasing circulation, detoxifying…
I was so excited to reach my destination, I ran like the wind. The uneven sidewalk was less than friendly and I crash landed, ripping open my bare left knee. I was only ten. The scar that formed is a small scar, perhaps not…
At our local Marche St Anne, a young teen entered our Earth to Body booth complaining about her dry lips. She said they were always hurting and nothing seemed to help.
She whipped out her constant lip balm companion, explained…