Crème X

30,00 $CA
30,00 $CA
30,00 $CA

« Le climat difficile peut souvent assécher la peau, causant ainsi des irritations et des gerçures. Notre crème X renferme un heureux mélange d’huile de chanvre, de calendula, d’épinette noire et de patchouli; elle procure un soulagement bénéfique en cas de démangeaisons, d’assèchement et de rugosités. La crème X aide à prévenir d’autres blessures à la peau. On l’emploie souvent sur les mains, les coudes et autres régions très sèches. » Earth To Body 

Dans le cas d’une peau très sèche et irritée, offrez-vous un bon bain avec notre Spa de sels de la mer Morte. Appliquez ensuite la crème X sur la peau.

Susan Wardle (on facebook)

For anybody with eczema, I cannot recommend enough the X Cream! The stuff is amazing!

Susan, Oakville, ON

This is the first cream that has really worked for both myself and my daughter. We love it in conjunction with the Dead Sea Salt Spa bath and feel that our skin is much softer.

Windsor, ON

I have tried so many creams but my skin is still dry and itchy. However, Earth To Body’s X cream immediately relieved the dry itchiness. It feels soothing on my skin.

Debbie, Kingston ON 

I could never do an ad for gloves!! My hands were dry and cracked and the furthest thing from soft. They would snag on certain fabrics and even stick to my baby’s blankets. My neighbour suggested I try your X cream and my whole world has changed. I can now massage my baby boy knowing he loves my soft hands! Thank you Earth To Body..

Barb J., ON

I love your wonderful x-cream. I cleared up a rash I used to get every winter, and as long as I keep using it the rash has never come back. My doctor said it was a combination of exema and acne. I also love using the cream around my eyes, it is not too greasy but keeps them nicely soft. It is a great and much needed part of my daily routine!!

 Cornwall, ON

My boyfriend’s hands suffer from eczema outbreaks. We both love the natural ingredients in your X cream. When his hands feel dry, he applies the cream and finds amazing relief. Cornwall, ON

Risa, Toronto

Your best product for sure. I use this on my face and anywhere else I need it. Love it!

love this product

LOVE this product

Joe Cordiano

Suffering from eczema on my fingers for over a year. Skin was severely cracking, flaking, horrible patches. Tried many natural products (unrefined shea butter, aloe, coconut oil, beeswax). Sadly, nothing was working. Been using Earth to Body “x cream & shampoo bar ESP” for 2 weeks. The improvement is unbelievable, it’s 80% better. Also been applying apple cider vinegar diluted with water, as you recommended. Cannot thank you enough. It’s healed so much in such a short period of time. Will continue using it & will buy more of your products. I’ve sent your web link to friends, who also suffer from eczema.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you for taking the time to share with everyone, Joe.  We are so pleased our products are helping you.

Maxine Vancouver

Woke up on christmas and my eczema was bleeding and so sore I could barely move. I got it in my stocking and started using it that day and within two days my skin is back to normal almost completely eczema free. Cannot recommend this enough. It saved me. 

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you for sharing, Maxine. Our X cream is very popular for soothing the skin.

Dian Boisvert from Watrous, Sk

We have struggled for about two years with our preschool aged daughter's eczema and wartlike sores that were all over her stomach, chest, arms and legs. We seen the doctor several times and not one of the steroid creams they suggested worked. By God's good providence we came across your stand at a craft sale, where I picked up a tub of the X-cream. Well, after one week of using it, all the spots were gone and so was the little wart like blisters! Highly recommend this product!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

So pleased your daughter's skin has cleared.  Thank you, Dian.

Lynda Branch

This cream really gets rid of eczema!!!! A lovely move from cortisone. :)

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Much appreciated, Lynda. Thank you.


The best cream ever for eczema hands down.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Love it.  Thank you, Rowena.

Maria Cherbel

I tried and I love it.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Maria!


I have psoriasis on my foot and have never been able to find a cream that works. I decided to fork the money and try this cream when I inquired about it at the University of Guelph November Fall Fair. It has been amazing! I apply it twice a day and I have not felt itchy since I started using it and all the scaly skin is gone! This cream is the best thing I have found so far! I love it and highly recommend it!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Annik. The X cream is one of our most popular creams!

Michelle Voykin, Saskatoon, SK

I have had severe eczema for years affecting my hands the most. I have allergies to many chemical preservatives used in cosmetics, cleaners, soaps, lotions etc. Even though I have been dealing with this for years and my house is 'clean' from harmful products, its impossible to not come into contact with the allergens. The palms of my hands were so bad they had cracks (quite painful) and thick dry skin that peeled away. I was using polysporin and cortisone ointments and clean thick cream, but they were not getting better. I found the X Cream at an arts & crafts fair and bought a jar. After 3 days and only using it twice a day the cracks were gone and the thick dry skin was getting better. After 6 days my hands are 99% healed.
Very happy I found the X Cream!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

So glad you found us, Michelle.  Thank you for a fine testimonial!

Michelle Hacksel

Like wearing a flannel blanket on your skin!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Our X Cream is comforting. Thank you, Michelle.


Love your products but was disappointed with this one. Ordered the large jar, it was only 2/3rds full. Definitely not the 120ml as listed. Will continue to buy other products but won't be buying this one again. It's a good product but not worth the $64.00.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

That is disappointing. I do not know what happened.  All the creams are hand poured and maybe an error was made.
We do apologize.  I will send you a replacement cream to make up for the difference that was missing.  It is a an excellent cream, but not if you were shorted.
Sarah replied: Wow, thank you Martha.  I didn't expect that.  Your products are fantastic,  I've purchased quite a bit from you in the last couple of weeks because of that fact.  It would seem that your company's customer service is equally awesome,  Thanks so much! 

M., Toronto

I have severe itchiness on my fingers, hands, and wrists. I've been using this cream for about a week now and it isn't working for me. It only provides temporary relief, but the itch comes back pretty quickly. Your lip balms are the best, though.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Hi M, 
The cream works best if used in conjunction with pure soaps. It is a challenge during these times because of the necessity to use strong sanitizers.
Your shampoos and other products that your hands touch will also make a difference. Might I suggest that you give us a call?

Christy V

My 2 year old niece and my husband had painful eczema that even prescription creams didn't help. Xcream and apple cider vinegar baths have almost completely cleared up both skins.
My husband doesn't even need reminders to use Xcream as it works so well!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Wonderful news, Christy, both for the little one and for your husband. We hope they are using a real soap bar too! Thank you for writing.

Karen Coldwater Ontario

What a wonderful cream for dry hands especially when you work in a profession like nursing with all the hand washing and sanitizing use in a day. I always started my day with using it on my hands and after the work day. When my coworkers tried it my container seemed to get empty awful fast so I am glad that you came out with the larger container. It also is great to put on your hands after working out in the gardens.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Karen for loving our X cream.  And please extend our thanks to your team!

Alexi N. W.

I have tried so many creams (including prescription) and yours works better than anything else. I hated using steroid creams and am thrilled there is something else out there – that isn’t greasy!
Thanks, Alexi. Well said!


Kelly W

‘I broke out in a reaction to essential oils on my face (cheeks, chin and forehead). The reaction made my skin itchy, dry and skin was no longer smooth. I tried a test patch of eczema cream and after a few hours decided to use a bit more for some relief. It was amazing! It soothed my skin relieving the itch and was extremely moisturizing. It helped clear up my reaction within a few days and restored my skin back to normal. Highly recommend! Thanks ETB for a great natural product.’

We do hear wonderful reviews on this go-to cream, Kelly. And if you do use essential oils, make sure they are of  therapeutic quality  and mix with a caarier oil, rather than applying straight. Thank you for sharing. 



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Tous les ingrédients de ce produit

Épinette noire
Huile d’abricot
Cire d’abeille
Beurre de cacao
Cocoa Palm
Huile de chanvre
Extrait d’huile de pépins de citron
Huile essentielle de patchouli
Vitamine E (d-alpha tocophérol).
Vitamine E
Eau distillée
L’épinette noire (picea mariana) est purement canadienne! L’arbre se trouve partout au Canada, sauf dans les régions éloignées de l’Ouest et au sud des prairies. L’huile essentielle de ce conifère cal...
Le Calendula (calendula officinalis) provient des fleurs desséchées du tagète doré. Il diminue l’apparence des rides tout en raffermissant et en tonifiant l’épiderme. 
L’huile d’abricot (prunus aemeniacia) est enrichie d’acides gras essentiels oléiques et linoléiques. Cette huile a la vertu de pénétrer la peau sans laisser de sensation huileuse. De plus, elle hydrat...
Cire d’abeille (naturelle, à l’état brut). Contrairement à la cire d’abeille traitée, la cire à l’état brut conserve son miel et son pollen naturels. La propolis nutritive est un antibiotique naturel ...
Le beurre de cacao (theobroma cacoa) est une cire qui provient de la graine de cacao (théobroma). Cet émollient crémeux et léger renferme des propriétés adoucissantes et il s’absorbe aisément dans la ...
Cocoa Palm (cocos nucerifera palm wax) Although not 100% natural it is based on the oil from the coconut palm and is an essential emulsifying wax used in the making of our cream. 
Huile de chanvre (cannabis sativa). Elle renferme une quantité importante d’acides gras polyinsaturés (acides linoléique et linolénique) qui constituent des ingrédients de premier ordre dans la confec...
L’extrait d’huile de pépins de citron (citrus medica limonum) est un dérivé bioagrume utilisé comme agent naturel de conservation.
L’huile essentielle de patchouli (pogostemon cablin) est à la fois intense et relevée, terreuse et exotique, d’une odeur à la fois moussue et piquante. Le patchouli apaise et rafraîchit la peau sèche,...
La vitamine E (d-alpha tocophérol). Ce tocophérol à champ complet est un agent de conservation naturel qui maintient la durée de conservation des produits. Cette vitamine joue un rôle de premier plan ...
La vitamine E (tocopheryl acetate) est un élément nutritif anti-oxydant essentiel qui protège la peau contre les éléments et qui prévient aussi les dommages causés par l'assèchement. 
Eau distillée une eau dont on a retiré quasiment toutes les impuretés et les contaminants solides par voie de distillation : on fait bouillir l’eau et on en condense la valeur dans un contenant stéril...