Savon Émeu-Neem

14,00 $CA
14,00 $CA
14,00 $CA

« Notre savon artisanal émeu-neem d’empâtage à froid est confectionné à la main : nous n’employons que des huiles à l’état pur, naturelles et essentielles. Il en résulte un savon qui apaise l’épiderme, le nettoie et laisse une sensation bienfaisante sur la peau. La mousse et les grains d’avoine exfolient la peau tout en douceur, et lui redonne sa propreté et son éclat santé. Notre savon nettoie aussi efficacement les peaux à tendance acnéique. »  

Ce savon fait partie intégrante de notre programme d’entretien de la peau.

Finnegan's market, Hudson, Quebec

I'm back for more soap! I bought one of your emu-neem soap bars and I love it. I'm not sure if it is the emu or the neem or the avocado, but the blend works for me. My problem skin loves it.

Burnaby, BC

This is the most pampering of all soaps I've tried. I don’t really have major skin problems but I love the way it makes my skin feel. But my son has eczema and my soap keeps disappearing! 

Brighton, ON

I love this soap! It is a miracle. I have acne prone skin and this soap cleans and refreshes my skin like no other soap I have ever tried.”

P.R., Sudbury, ON

I have not used soap on my face in over 20 years! This is a REAL soap and I did not realize what I was missing. I am allergic to fragrances and I love the earthy smell of your soap. My skin has never been this lovely. Keep up the good work!”  

P.R., Sudbury, ON

I was wondering when you were coming back to Sudbury, Ontario. A few months ago you were at our local craft show and I bought your emu-neem soap…it is amazing. My face has NEVER felt so clean and healthy.”

Luisa F., Calgary, AB.

I purchased the emu neem soap to help with eczema and you wouldn't believe but my skin feels like butter... soo moist and soft! my knuckles rarely bleed because my hands are moist and replenished. My chicken skin is pretty much gone after one week of using your product. This soap is unbelievable!!.

Arthur Medina, Calgary

As an old rule in chemistry says: "The same, dissolves the same". There is something about animal fats, that plant-based oils cannot do. This product is what anyone with an oily face has to buy. It will make you feel really clean and free.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

A profound observation. Thank you, Arthur. Emu oil is unsurpassed.

Crystal Sullivan AJAX

I ended up walking past this vendor at "The EX" Was looking for information on essential oils and then was educated but the very sweet lady who spent so much time with me. It was appreciated more then she probably knows. I didn't end up buying essential oils but I did buy this soap and the shampoo bar both of which I am already in Love with. Next order is coming for the Apple cider rinse and so many more. I think I am in Trouble now :P
Thank you for making such great, Natural products. My skin just feels amazing.
Kind regards,

Réponse de Earth to Body:

I remember you, Crystal.  Thank you so much!

Lesley Toronto

I will NEVER buy another mass produced bar of soap ever again! This product is beyond amazing. You wash & your skin feels moist, supple & rejuvenated.
I normally purchase high cost face pump products used for sensitive face skin. This product replaces those expensive lines. I just love how easy it is to use & how incredibly well it works. I resisted using bar soaps on my face. Not anymore. LOVE this product!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

There is unfortunately a campaign vs bar soaps. But as you have discovered, a homemade REAL bar soap (not a detergent one) can be amazing.  Thank you, Lesley.

Jodi, Muskoka, ON

"My new recent addiction is your lovely Emu Neem Soap and soap dish. It has completely replaced my regular bar of soap and the dish is perfect for a softer soap. My skin is always lovely and nourished even if I don't have time to pamper my skin after my shower."

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Cleaning the old fashioned way: soap on a dish.  We love it too, Jodi. Thank you.

Joline Haché, Ottawa

I have been battling adult acne for year and nothing was working for me, even expensive products made specifically for acne. I’m amazed at how well this inexpensive bar of soap healed my skin! Thank you for making a product that works and doesn't cost half my paycheck. You just made a lifelong customer out of me :)

Réponse de Earth to Body:

So, so glad you like the emu neem soap, Joline. Thank you. Don't hesitate to call or write for other product suggestions.

LC, Dartmouth NS

Emu Neem soap is the only soap I have ever been able to use on my face and it took until my mid-40s before I discovered the soap - and the Skin Manager oil. Until that time, I could never use soap or moisturizer on my face: soap would make my skin red and inflamed and moisturizer would cause acne.

Réponse de Earth to Body:

Thank you, Leona. Most commercial soaps are detergent based and can cause the irritations you describe.  We are happy you have discovered a home made soap, especially one that contains emu and neem. 

Pointe-Claire, QC

I love love love this soap for my face! The light exfoliation was lovely and made my face feel extra clean. Definately will buy again!

Réponse de Earth to Body:

The emu and neem combo is a unique blend. Thank you for loving it!

Suzan in Ottawa

I’ve been using your emu neem soap for about a week now and my menopausal acne has disappeared! For weeks now, I’ve been trying all my old go-to products (non-Earth to Body) but nothing seemed to work. This soap did the trick! Not only that, it left my skin feeling soft, not dry at all. Earth to Body to the rescue once again!

We love your testimonial. Susan.  Thank you.

Suzan in Ottawa

I’ve been using your emu neem soap for about a week now and my menopausal acne has disappeared! For weeks now, I’ve been trying all my old go-to products (non-Earth to Body) but nothing seemed to work. But this soap did the trick. Not only that, it left my skin feeling soft, not dry at all. Earth to Body to the rescue once again!

We are so happy it helped, Suzan. Our soaps are healthy meals for the skin.


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Tous les ingrédients de ce produit

Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
Huile d’avocat
Huile de ricin
Beurre de cacao
Huile de coco
Huile d’émeu
Extrait d’huile de pépins de citron
Huile de neem
Avoine biologique
Huile d’olive
Huile de palme
Huile essentielle de patchouli
Huile essentielle de santal
Beurre de karité
Orange douce

An alkali substance used to make soap, The alkali reacts with oil. Through the saponification process it makes soap. There is no lye in the finished product.

L’huile d’avocat (persea gratissima)renferme des protéines, des acides aminés et un apport élevé de vitamines A, D, et E, conférant ainsi au savon d’émeu-neem une qualité nutritive pour la peau. Celle...
L’huile de ricin (ricinus communis) apaise et lubrifie la peau et s’absorbe facilement. C’est un élément hydratant naturel qui attire l’humidité et l’assimile. C’est aussi un produit qui aide à durcir...
Le beurre de cacao (theobroma cacoa)  est une cire qui provient de la gousse de cacao rôti. Sa consistance crémeuse renferme des propriétés adoucissantes et pénètre en douceur dans la peau.
L’huile de coco (cocos nucifera) transmet ses qualités hydratantes au savon et aide à le durcir. C’est l’ingrédient de base ESSENTIEL à la formation d’une mousse riche et épaisse qui se produit aussi ...
L’huile d’émeu est sans contredit l’une des meilleures composantes du savon. Tout comme l’huile de neem, elle contient des propriétés antibactériennes et antimicrobiennes qui nettoient la peau. De plu...
L’extrait d’huile de pépins de citron (citrus medica limonum) est un dérivé bioagrume utilisé comme agent naturel de conservation.
L’huile de neem (azadirachta indica) est un excellent additif dans la fabrication du savon. Elle renferme des propriétés antibactériennes qui nettoient la peau en profondeur et en retirent les virus, ...
L’avoine biologique (avena sativa) est un exfoliant naturel et doux, qui convient bien aux peaux délicates. L’avoine ne déchire pas la peau et ne l’endommage pas. C’est un ingrédient de soin polyvalen...
L’huile d’olive (olea europaea)est une composante essentielle très appréciée, car c’est l’hydratant par excellence. Elle attire l’humidité de l’air ambiant et facilite sa pénétration dans la peau, pré...
L’huile de palme (elaeis guineensis) est également l’agent qui crée la mousse et les douces bulles crémeuses.
L’huile essentielle de patchouli est à la fois intense et relevée, d’une odeur terreuse et exotique, aussi moussue que piquante. Cette huile rafraîchit et apaise la peau enflammée, sèche et fissurée d...
L’huile essentielle de santal (santalum album)  dégage un parfum riche, boisé et terreux et elle recèle, au dire de certains, des qualités aphrodisiaques! L’huile de santal a des propriétés adoucissan...
Le beurre de karité (butyrosperum parkii) tire son origine de l’arbre karité d’Afrique. Son extraction se fait à l’état biologique et on le distribue en commerce équitable. Ce beurre renferme des prop...
Orange douce (citrus aurantium) L’acide que contient l’huile essentielle d’orange douce aide à dissoudre les graisses cutanées et l’accumulation de saletés sur la peau. C’est un baume adoucissant et é...