L’huile d’émeu est reconnue depuis des millénaires en Australie pour ses caractéristiques uniques qui facilitent l’absorption des autres composants et nourrissent la peau. Elle lutte également contre les effets de la déshydratation causée par le froid et la chaleur artificielle. D’autre part, elle protège les lèvres des effets du soleil et des températures extrêmes et prévient leur dessèchement tout en conservant leur hydratation naturelle. Ce baume ne contient aucun agent chimique desséchant qu’on retrouve souvent dans les baumes du commerce.
I am addicted to your Emu Lip Balm, I cannot go without it. It is the BEST I've ever tried. I put it on at night, and my lips are still moisturized by morning! Remarkable.”
My husband has a terrible time with sun blisters in the summer months and you recommended an Emu oil lip balm. I must mention that it completely prevented him from getting any cold sores if he applied before hand. We're hooked. Thanks!
My daughter is a lip balm fanatic and likes to rate all the different balms. You will be pleased to know that she gave yours a ‘10’!”
I love natural lip balms and am especially pleased with your Emu Balm. It is frightening to read of all the chemicals in petroleum based commercial balms. Your emu, avocado and tea tree blend makes a wonderful product.”
Your emu oil lip balm is the best I've ever tried out of other natural lip balms, and commercially sold ones as well. It has a rich texture and it lasts. I am buying one for everyone this Christmas!
This lip balm has got to be the most creamy, NON waxy feeling luxury balm my lips have ever used! Thank you so much for sending! I am in LOVE with it! I put it on at bed time and my lips still feel soothed by morning. Absolutely the PERFECT mix of ingredients here! Thank you!
Sharon, we love your passion!
I like the EMU Lip Balm very much and have been using it for many years.
Thank you so much! The emu lip balm has been a winner.
I have been using this lip balm for over 15 years and I have never found a lip balm that is as good and I love the natural products.
Thank you, Janet.
Absolutely love this product. My daughter and I are fighting over the emu lip balm!
Thank you Karen and daughter!
I love your products. The lip balm is amazing, I use it daily - especially in the cold weather - and it protects and moisturizes the lips. Thank you.
I've used this Emu lip balm for at least 15 years! Won't buy any other kind. Keep up the good work.
Aww...a great testimonial. Much appreciated, Cheryl
Love the lip balm, these are the best ones I’ve used for years,
Thank you, Donna
I love the natural feel. It works absolutely well!
Thank you, Olga
Amazing product! Leaves your lips extremely moisturized. Great quality product!
Amanda, we love you!
This stuff is AMAZING. I'm allergic to most things on my body, but this stuff is perfect as it healthily moisturizes and doesn't affect my skin
So glad you like the lip balm, Georgia!!!
I have bought expensive cold sore remedies and none have been as successful as this lip balm. Love it!
Emu never ceases to amaze. Thx, Debbie
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