As avid dog lovers and owners, we most certainly experience the joy of ‘man’s best friend’ but we also encounter some ‘dog days’ too. Sometimes bath is routine, other times an absolute necessity.
Recently a customer wrote to say how her dog’s itchy skin was relieved by just one bath with our shampoo bar.
*My 6- year old dog has been a challenge for us because she has had such an itchy hide! She is on Apoquel medication, AND homemade dog food! I had given up bathing her; her extra scratching would carry on for days! When I received my shampoo soap from you, I got up my nerve and bathed her. It was so easy to use, dissolves easily onto the dog; easier to handle with wet hands than squeezing a tube of expensive special shampoo from the Vet. I rinsed her as well with diluted apple cider vinegar and enjoyed having a sparkling clean pooch with soft wavy shiny hair—and NO scratching! Donna
It is no fun to see your pet in serious itch mode. But Donna’s story reminded me of a most serious time we also washed our dog with the shampoo bar after an encounter with the neighborhood skunk.
Our Border Collie/Lab mix is named Tuxedo. Makes sense since he wears black and white. Tuxedo is in love with his near mirror image, Pepé Le Pew, the famous cartoon skunk renowned for his flirtatious antics with the ladies, and now with Tuxedo. Pepe lives in our backyard. It’s the tails. Both Tux and Pepe flirt flick. Pepe lures Tux in every time. Tux forgets that he will end up being back ended, shunned and sprayed. Love gone awry.
I see the skunk. I whistle for Tux but he is deaf around Pepe. I wish for Cesar Milan to miraculously appear. I wish this was not happening. But it is all over in a split second, Pepe’s malodorous scent prevailing.
The only thing to do is unroll the hose, get out the bucket and lather up. Hopefully one good friend is around, with whom you promise to share your million-winning lotto ticket, offering to help you wash the sad eyed Tux.
Sleeves rolled up, noses taped, and Earth to Body regular shampoo in hand…. you are set to go. Yep, it works. Lather and scrub, avoiding the eyes and cursing Pepe and his shameless ways. Rinse, lather and scrub again, rinse some more. Now for the finale, the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse massaged gently but thoroughly through the mane to tail.
Our shampoo and our vinegar rinse really do work. It is the best. It is the only reason we have not shot Pepe (just kidding). At least we know we can survive a skunking.
And on the shampoo bar, Donna added
My rating is a 5 out of 5, not only for her, but my own hair! Love! Thank you for producing so many wonderful, chemical free products.
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