Her shift was soon to begin. An emergency doctor, prepared for battle. Feet encased, monkey suit secured, hair harnessed, face masked. Glove? Only one? No time to search. Grabbing another, she greets her first patient of the day.
An hour later her nurse giggled, “We found the missing glove, Doctor.”
But why had no one said anything?
Perhaps the baby the doctor gently prodded and probed and soothed did enjoy the distraction of the plastic five finger mobile. Babies do see all. But the father had made no comment. Perhaps he was unaware of a proper protocol, if any existed. Perhaps he was just caught up in the very real angst of visiting a hospital with a sick child.
Laughter eased tension. A needed moment of levity at the battlefront in dire times.
Perhaps when you read this, things may be even more ominous. Or not. We cannot predict. But it will get better.
We thank all of you front liners who courageously put yourselves at risk. Everyone in health care, the food industry, delivery, mail, transport, science, our leaders, all of you who go to work each and every day to fight for us. Many of you must remain home, not of choice. We thank you for your diligence and caring in following the strict guidelines imposed upon us.
We are fortunate in that Earth to Body can continue to make our soaps and creams and lotions. While our actual storefront is closed for now, we will complete orders, mail out and answer the phone. We work from home; our headquarters is open. We are fortunate to be able to do this and we thank you all for continuing to support us.
When this is over, we shall have a greater appreciation of others, their jobs and dedication, of life itself. We cannot change the course of this worldwide pandemic which has attacked us at breakneck speed. But we adapt. We have had some practice. Technology. Language. Computers.
Support all local business, even if closed. Perhaps they mail out, deliver or have online. Creativity and innovations are abound, as is often seen in warfare. Adapt. Survive. Be well. Be safe. And thank you.
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