It was over 5 years ago that we received this testimonial from a new Earth To Body fan.  I thought it would be fun to reshare. After all, guinea pigs do elicit smiles.

Hi! One of you guys gave me some advice about my horribly damaged skin at the last One of a Kind show. She was completely right about the liquid shampoo being the culprit, not just my exposure to veterinary cleaning products. I switched to your shampoo bar and use the deodorant stone as a hand “soap”. My hands don’t crack anymore. I’ve also noticed I feel better. Usually by about mid week I’m grumpy and miserable; I’m in my second week now and I haven’t snapped or growled at anyone. Also, I have a pet guinea pig with overly sensitive skin; if I bed him on ANY shavings he scratches all his hair out. I tried both your products on him (after double checking the shampoo’s ingredients with the poison list). He now looks like a regular piglet, hair and everything. As a vet employee I’m not supposed to recommend anything not prescribed to an animal by a vet; but the salt stone didn’t make him squeal like his prescription did (because it was mostly iodine) and the shampoo bar really helped his hair come back in. We’re both a lot happier than we were. 

Thanks Again: A Fan

P.S. If you want to use any of this letter under your endorsements, please don’t put my name in there, as my boss would do a flip if she saw... Which could be fun to watch, but we should probably avoid it.

A fun testimonial.  I love the guinea pig’s involvement and resulting ‘smile’. 

Unfortunately, we no longer carry the deodorant stone, but we do have alternative salt products: Dead Sea Salt Spa and Manitouka Scrub. Pure salts are an important part of skin care and help to sooth dry, eczema and irritated skin.  Try an ocean swim and feel the difference.

Not only can the skin and scalp improve by not using chemical cleansers, but also can your overall persona. Did you register the part where our fan mentions how her MOOD changed once she gave up the chemical shampoo and used only natural?  Hopefully you are not rolling your eyes in skepticism, because the parabens and phthalates in commercial shampoo may be the cause. They are endocrine disruptors. This means they can definitely play havoc with our hormones. Thank the phthalates for making shampoo smell so good, but you might also thank them for making you less than ’nice’.  Maybe even ‘bitchy’ or 'irritable’.  

Parabens may kill unwanted bacteria, but they can also contribute to itchy and irritated scalp and skin. But they can also mess with your hormones by throwing your endocrine system out of whack. Not everyone is overtly affected.  Reactions are not always blatantly obvious. Just beware.  Read carefully

Try a totally 100% natural shampoo bar or if you prefer liquid, select a healthy shampoo free of parabens and phthalates.  Try asking the guinea!

Thank you, Fan



