Hi there! I just wanted to let you guys know how AMAZING your products work…I have suffered with acne since I was about 11 years old…I have tried almost everything in the book short of pills and prescriptions….'till I found you! It wasn’t until I stopped by your booth at our local Christmas Craft Fair and I fell in love! I started off just using the Emu Neem Soap and now have adventured into making my own skin program from different products that work great for my skin! I use the Emu Neem Soap to wash my skin and then use the Facial Toner and lastly the Skin Care Moisturizer. I just wanted to say that I thank you for your products and they have truly changed my life! I have gotten compliments about my skin this past couple months….that is something I have never gotten before and I didn’t realize how good it feels…I never went anywhere without make-up especially foundation and I find now I am wearing it less and less! I want to thank you again and again for helping me find something that is truly a life changing product and I will forever now be a client! That being said I hope this product will be around for…well…forever! You have a company that is something truly wonderful and something to be proud of!
Yours truly a VERY satisfied customer!
Fort Macleod, Alberta
"Thank you, Kristen for taking the time to write. We love to hear from our customers and it is so exciting for all of us when we receive a testimonial such as yours. We shall be back in Alberta spring and fall. Please do visit us again." Earth To Body