Le beurre de karité nous vient de la noix de karité qui se trouve à l’intérieur du fruit de l’arbre à beurre d’Afrique. Notre beurre de karité biologique, non raffiné, nous vient d’une coopérative de commerce équitable au Burkina Faso. Après qu’on l...
Millepertuis (hypericum perforatum) est une plante vivace agrémentée de fleurs jaunes brillantes. Elles produisent un pigment rouge huileux lorsqu’on les écrase. On applique le millepertuis sur la peau depuis au moins 2 000 ans. Comme baume externe...
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Sandalwood essential oil has a rich, woody, earthy scent that many feel contain aphrodisiac qualities. Sandalwood has calming and soothing effects. For all those dedicated to having beautiful skin this is one of the most useful oils and is a classic...
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Sage ( salvia officinalis ) In fact, the word sage derives from the Latin "salvare", which means to heal or to save. In cosmetics Sage makes a great addition to a hair rinse because it stimulates the scalp and helps remove dandruff flakes. It is...
Nos produits qui contiennent cet ingrédient :
Rosewater ( rosa damascena ) is mildly astringent, increasing the tone and firmness of the tissues. The therapeutic properties include its soothing effect on skin irritations. Rosewater is excellent as a facial wash and toner. The benefit comes from...
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Rosemary (rosemarinus officinalis) is very rich in minerals and is a traditional herb for hair care. Great on itchy, dry scalps. It is used to improve the hair and helps remove dandruff flakes. Thanks to its soothing, cleansing and stimulating...
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Rose (Rose damascène) : Les roses de "culture" sauvage de souche bulgare poussent dans des régions indigènes; on n’en fait pas une culture commerciale. Elles sont ainsi préservées des pesticides et des fertilisants.
Nos produits qui contiennent cet ingrédient :
Rooibos ( Aspalathus linearis ) is a plant unique to South Africa and is rich in minerals and anti-oxidants. Rooibos contains aspalathin, a flavinoid found in medicinal herbs used for cosmetic use upon the skin. Aspalathin's antioxidant activity is...
Pumice sand acts as a gentle exfoliant to help increase circulation and facilitate the removal of dead skin build-up. Pumice sand enhances healthy skin tone. See Earth To Body's Nori Neem Soap
Nos produits qui contiennent cet ingrédient :
Peppermint ( mentha piperita ) has a powerful, sweet, menthol aroma. It revitalizes, refreshes and cools. See Earth To Body's Argan Neem Foot Cream Soothing Oil