This post was actually inspired by The Trust And the Truth that Martha wrote a while back. Other than being a great piece of writing, it brought to my attention how many products some people can go through in the course of their morning ‘beauty’ routine. I’ll be honest; it kind of freaks me out. I’ve never really worn makeup and now, as a mom of two active toddlers, lipbalm is the extent of what gets put on my face most days. However, I can certainly appreciate the desire to look ‘put together’ and I know some individuals thrive on the routines they set for themselves in the morning.
So, here it is, the same routine, but with simplified steps, and more importantly, with simplified ingredients. In essence, using products whose ingredients you could actually pronounce and use without health concerns.

Let’s get started!

-Shampoo with a bar (they are not too hard to find; Earth to body and most health food stores have a great selection )
-Rinse with an apple cider vinegar dilution
-Apply a natural anti-odorant or use a deodorant stone
-Use a natural moisturizer (that smells divine) or perhaps a pure oil
-Use a natural fluoride-free tooth paste. Green Beaver, makes some great toothpastes
-Gargle with a homemade mouthwash (there are many recipes online, most contain baking soda, essential oil, and a little sweetener)
-Forget the hairspray, you won’t need it!
-Eat lots of fruits and veggies, take a brisk walk to the bus, or better yet bike to work and you’ll get that ‘blushed’ look!
-Touch of lip balm
-Finally, for a little sun protection, both Argan and Emu oils carry a natural SPF of 8.

And there you go! A simplified morning routine that will literally allow you to ‘breathe easy’ !

 I am curious; how have you tried to simplify, or de-toxify your morning routines?

p.s. I used the word ‘natural’ here many times, meaning ‘chemical-free’. Please remember that there are currently NO Canadian regulations regarding the use of the the word ‘natural’ on beauty products (includes, hair care, creams, sunscreens, makeup,...). Reading the ingredient list and doing some research is the best way of knowing if what you’re buying really is natural.


What a great article, Gen, particularly about how to look past the word "natural" on the products we buy. Looking at the ingredients is so important! I love your routine!

Thanks Annie! I only found out recently about the lack of regulations re: using the word natural on body products. It only reinforced my policy of reading every single label!