16 juin 2021
If you own an iron, you may know of ‘linen water’.  It’s that little spritz of freshness that make clothes smell fresh or the bed linens welcoming. The subtleness of the scent is...
10 juin 2021
A FUNGUS? Nobody wants it. If you have ever had a skin fungus, whether it be on the nail, between the toes, or in a fold, it is not a pretty sight, nor is it fun to experience....
05 juin 2021
Happy Father’s Day, Dad. It has been over 30 years since I have been able to hug you in person, but I do so spiritually.  I remember your wise presence, your subtle sense of humor...
17 mai 2021
As avid dog lovers and owners, we most certainly experience the joy of ‘man’s best friend’ but we also encounter some ‘dog days’ too. Sometimes bath is routine, other times an...
11 mai 2021
The genome of a koala instructs it to eat eucalyptus. It tells the koala that these leaves, while toxic to most mammals, are not toxic to itself and yet will supply its...
01 mai 2021
Wishing all Mothers and Mother figures a Happy Mother’s Day One of the best-selling books of all times is ‘The Prophet’, written almost a hundred years ago by Kahlil Gibran*. The...
28 avr 2021
“Nothing seems to work. I have been to three dermatologists, tried various creams and salves. Sometimes my acne clears up, but it always comes back. Once my face reacted so badly...
15 avr 2021
Wanting toxin free skin care is not a fad. While it may be the buzz, it’s not flying away anytime soon. We deserve to have clean products.  But what does ‘clean’ mean? Toxin free...
13 avr 2021
If the fashion promotes black teeth, ask the geishas. If pearly whites are the rage, and this is the case today, we just need to ask our dentist. Going back in history, black...
20 mar 2021
Recently, upon reopening, a mom and daughter duo came into the shop.The young teen was combating acne and they were looking for more natural skin care.  “My daughter’s acne is...
