15 juin 2020
This is a reminder. Cold Water Power works. Repeat. Repeat. Take a cold Shower. When things get heated good advice is, ‘Take a cold shower and calm down.”  Cold water does reduce...
14 mai 2020
Salmon, kale, eggs, tuna. All high in Retinol. Cheese. Liver, Cod, Squash. All high in retinol. Aka Vitamin A, an essential. When consuming fatty acids, we also consume the fat-...
06 mai 2020
“Is This Product ‘Dermatologist Tested’?” An understandable query for one who is trying to make sure the product is ‘approved’ by people in the know. BUT, if the true nature of...
16 avr 2020
The jury is out. The world can’t decide. On masks: (views to date) The Czech Republic: masks mandatorySlovakia, Bosnia-Herzgovina, Morocco: masks mandatoryAustria: must wear a...
01 avr 2020
The groceries are outside on his front porch, awaiting retrieval. The challenge is how to safely tote them inside? On the screen is a U Tube Doctor demonstrating one method. The...
24 mar 2020
Her shift was soon to begin. An emergency doctor, prepared for battle. Feet encased, monkey suit secured, hair harnessed, face masked. Glove? Only one? No time to search. Grabbing...
18 mar 2020
With Covid-19, soap is even more of a necessity. Handwashing for 20 seconds or longer is not an easy feat. One trick is to sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice while enjoying the...
18 mar 2020
New rules. Stay home when you can. Separate. Sanitize. Wash often, no less that 20 seconds. Not as easy as it sounds, so best to find a repertoire of fav songs to help master the...
08 mar 2020
Wash hands carefully and often. Avoid contact where possible. Disinfect. Eat healthy. And the list goes on. We are all trying to do our best to avoid becoming ill. For ourselves...
01 mar 2020
You have a moderate to mild case of acne. Your doctor refers you to a dermatologist who suggests a benzoyl peroxide treatment plan. Doctor approved. Dermatologist recommended. ...
