Palm Oil

Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis) increases the hardness and smooth creamy bubbles in soap. it is is naturally reddish in color because it contains a high amount of beta-carotene
There is often a lot of confusion over Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Oil. Both can be used interchangeably, but there are differences. Palm Oil is derived from the palm fruit whereas Palm Kernel comes from the kernel of the fruit. Palm Oil is rich in palmitic acid, vitamin E, vitamin K and magnesium and, is considered to be a natural source of anti-oxidant. It works great in soap making. This variety of Palm Oil is Refined, Bleached and Deodorized.
In response to the growing concerns over the deforestation of the rainforests and non-regulated expansion, producers and users of Palm oil formed the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The goal of this group is to develop a strategy, guideline, and even an inspection and certification system for Palm Plantations throughout the world. The objective is to be able to show that these certified Palm Plantations are in fact sustainable and are not practicing deforestation to expand their productivity. Our Palm oil come from approved suppliers of Palm Oil products and are members of this RSPO group.