Spoil Me
Oil me
Cream me
Clean me
Skin Care World
Do it naturally
Make it toxin free
A simple plea
Skin is skin. We may differ in colour, tone and texture. But we all need the same thing. Healthy skin. And sometimes the skin care world is not doing its job.
Skin care ads remind us constantly to hydrate and moisturize. The scene is ripe for competition. We are inundated with special creams, lotions, gels, salves, balms, sprays, cleansers with catchy phrases to capture our attention. Promises. Promises.
There is a lot of trouble out there. For our skin, our bodies, our health.
Formaldehyde, parabens, mineral oil, aluminum. Fragrance, phthalates, dyes, coal tars. Siloxanes, Triclosan, plastic micro-beads. These are some of the troublemakers.
Earth to Body cares about nutrition. With heathy skin nutrition, the hydration and the moisturizing are a given, for all our skins, no matter our age, or gender.
We do not make specific classifications that many skin care companies focus on. We do not separate our products into categories that are specifically aimed to help conditions of dry, oily, young or old. It is up to you to decide what works best for you, whether you prefer a cream to an oil, whether your skin is best served with a butter or a lotion. We do not offer washes and gels to clean as they are rarely natural. We offer real soaps, not the detergent chemically laden cleansers. Real soaps with special nutrients, that clean and feed the skin.
There are formulations out there for skin issues: eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, dandruff etc. etc. Our natural skin care cannot make claims for any of these problems. But surprise, surprise. When you feed your skin the good food, the issues often subside and are controllable. Makes perfect sense.
Spoil Me. That is the name of our body oil blend, and it does just that: Sweet Almond, Avocado, Camelia, Marula, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Bergamot, Tamanu, Sea Buckthorn, Lemongrass, Vitamin E, Lemonseed Extract
A delicious all over delight. Sometimes the Skin Care World does do a good job.