Blog: Skin Nutrition

Skin Nutrition

When you rate your food consumption, based on nutritional content, is it a 4?  A 6?  An 8? What about your ‘’just as important skin care?Not long ago a customer wrote about our Charcoal soap :'I've been buying your products for several years now. I tried your Charcoal  Clay soap. My skin is very sensitive to fragrances; this soap is odorless and goes well with emu oil. I can't tolerate chemical ingredients in facial care products. Also, I've found that the essential oils and alcohol in many 'natural' product lines are too irritating.This soap cleans so well; it loosens dead cells and…
“I’m ready!,” she declared," as she entered the store.   “It’s not going to be easy, I know.  I love my routine. My shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap bar, shower gel.  They smell great, lather beautifully.  They got the job done.  Or so I thought.But I’ve been duped. I pay too much for stuff I don’t need. And I ‘ve learned that I am not doing my skin nor my hair any favors.I watched this TikTok video on the benefits of natural soaps.   Did you know the chemical additives in my commercial products, even though they often claim they are great, can be quite harmful?I’m here for a Cleanse…
Guys tell us why they love us.   You wash the hair, shave the beard and clean the body with the same shampoo/soap. Whether you like a quickie shower or a lingering one, the soap does the job. You are clean and the hair and skin feels amazing. The ESP is the favourite, but you also like the fresh clean scent of the Regular Bar. And most interesting, the Basic Bar is the creamiest. You may not care that the Apple Cider Vinegar cleans, condition, restores the PH or adds minerals and vitamins to your skin. You just like the way it feels after and you like the results. Where did that dandruff go?…
I was so excited to reach my destination, I ran like the wind. The uneven sidewalk was less than friendly and I crash landed, ripping open my bare left knee. I was only ten.  The scar that formed is a small scar, perhaps not story worthy but I find it fascinating that the memory is so vivid. A constant reminder of this small trauma.   Scars tell stories. If you have a scar, you most likely have a memory. Whether by injury, surgery, infection, or inflammation a scar may surface as part of the healing process. The new collagen fibres that naturally form do the mending and while the results may…
If you phonetically digested this title correctly, you read ‘jojoba’, the oil we so love in skin care. The sturdy desert ‘jojoba’ shrub lives 100-200 years! Found in Arizona, down through Baja, California, into northwestern Mexico. jojoba oil (it is actually a liquid wax pressed from the seed, but we generally call it an oil), is a fairly recent find in the skincare discovery. For us, that is. The O’odham Native American tribe knew all about its miraculous properties.  They would heat the jojoba seeds to soften them and using a mortar and pestle create a buttery soft substance or a salve.…
  ‘14 out of 16 ingredients in sunscreen are not safe' So admits the FDA. We are inundated with this relentless media mantra: ‘Don’t forget your sunscreen! Summer. Winter. Wherever. Whenever you are outside.' We know too much sun can cause burning, aging, cancer. But being led to believe dousing in sunscreen as the best prevention is questionable. Most of the chemical sunscreen ingredients have NOT been safety tested. The minerals, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (blocks) have been proven to be the safest protectants. SPF’s and blocks are found in creams, lotions, foundations, lipsticks. It…
We often tout the benefits of a cold shower, cold water. Years ago I wrote about the cold in   ‘Go Cold so no Cold’.  It’s winter. It’s flu season.  It’s time to remember cold can be good. Be 2, or 3 or 4 years old in Siberia. Have your parents take you outside and rub you down with snow.You do not get the cold or flu. Or live in Sweden. Have your parents pour very cold water on your head.This is a routine. Especially during flu season.So no flu. Be an adult. Take the cold showers, or snow rubs, or cold lake dips alone, or with friends. Take your children with you. In these countries, cold…
Shake hands with a gardener, a mechanic, a landscaper and you may feel a roughness of their hard work. Admirable.  But perhaps, for them, uncomfortable at times. The answer might be using pumice sand to exfoliate away the dead skin cells, returning the skin to a more normal texture. Our hands are our tools and they work best in good condition.  Pumice is a light-coloured sand of volcanic rock, or highly vesicular rough-textured volcanic glass. But unlike glass, pumice is soft and a gentle abrasive. The pumice stone itself can actually float on water since vesicular means that gas bubbles are…