Put Your Best Foot Forward

Put Your Best Foot Forward

“There is no way I can wear sandals or go barefoot this summer. My feet are an embarrassment” sighed Sabrina, as she and her friend, Erica, eyed the newly arrived summer sandals on display.  

“Maybe you could go to a podiatrist or a chiropodist? Get some help.”

“What's a chiropodist?" Sabrina asked

“Same really. Both look after heels that are dry and cracked, calluses, corns, ingrown toe nails, etc. All the feet issues. And once you have professional advice, I would stick to Earth to Body products. No chemicals. Your feet will transform. They have amazing soaps, creams, butters, salves. The key is not to use medication if you don’t have to.  Don't use skin care laden with chemicals that can play havoc with your feet. Have you ever seen a specialist?” asked Erica.

“No, but I should. If we are in for a hot summer, I need to be able to let my poor feet breathe in sandals. But the first step is to spruce them up. My nails are ugly, my calluses bad and both my heels are cracked.”


Since summer will be here before we know it, we should be thinking of our feet.  We have only one pair, for life, and we do need to treat them with tender loving care. Proper footwear is a good place to start. And good nourishment.  Like our Argan Neem Foot cream.

People do use our foot cream for more than just their feet.  I had a senior once say to me, “I love the smell of the foot cream and I just can’t resist using it daily on my face.  Is that OK?” I smiled and said, “Of course.  Earth to Body products do not have a lot of rules or restrictions.  People asked us to make a cream for their feet, as they are used to buying specifics for body parts, and we understand.  With us, it does not mean that it can’t be used elsewhere. I know the ingredients in the foot cream would also be delightful on other skin areas. If you love it as a facial moisturizer, go for it.”

But let’s look at it for feet. The feet often need specific nutrients. If you made a list of all the foot woes you can think of and then countered each with a nutritious ingredient, the resulting blend would be dynamic. That is what we did.  We call the result Argan Neem Foot Cream.

Our cream contains apricot, cocoa butter, jojoba, argan, neem, beeswax, shea butter,  peppermint spearmint, eucalyptus, lavender, clove,vitamin E, tea tree camellia, white grapefruit. While pure argan and natural neem are key ingredients, the other oils also contribute special properties. Together this blend is renowned for moisturizing, revitalizing, soothing, softening and ridding the foot of woes. 

Everything you need to put your best foot forward.

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