22 Sep 2011
I recently caught Dr. Mercola (on Dr. OZ)  talking about the miracle food, astaxanthin ( asta-ZAN-thin),  Luckily, I was able to salvage the last bottle from our local health food...
18 Sep 2011
Don’t you love September? The kids (or grandkids) are back in school. The leaves are starting to tease us with change. The air is cool and fresh with the scents of fall. Not time...
12 Aug 2011
This was our first and most successful visit to the Filberg Festival. (Comox, Vancouver Island) Thank you Vancouver Islanders. We loved our booth in the woods and who could not...
09 Aug 2011
Growing and drying garlic is an art.  The growing part takes a little bit of patience (and love) but how it is dried, I think that that's where its deliciousness lies. Flavor,...
01 Aug 2011
Water Wise Gardening  Here in Eastern Canada (Montreal) we are fully immersed in the dog days of summer. After a cool, damp spring that left most of the region water-logged and...
21 Jul 2011
One thing that I love to revel in, getting those CSA baskets every week, is eating in season. The year started off with greens: kale, chard, spinach, mesclun, lettuces. Though...
18 Jul 2011
  Most of us eat at least 3 times a day (more, if you're me, and many many many more if you are my 2 and a half year-old toddlers),  so I would say with great certainty that food...
01 Jul 2011
Remember those slow roast days.  Frying an egg on the pavement kind of day. First the gentle sun ray, the warm caress. The intensity mounting.Too much, too fast, the sweats, the...
08 Jun 2011
We are finally in the midst of full-blown summer weather and Canadian gardeners are smiling from coast to coast. That is until they see one of these deceptively harmless red...
08 Jun 2011
I can’t remember exactly when it was when my babes started to realize that there was a wide wonderful world outside the cocoon their mama and papa had created for them, but what...
