Feed Your Memory
Feed Your Memory

Ginkgo. Number one on Anthea’s SHOPPING list. Followed by blueberries, oranges, eggs, dark chocolate, coconut, broccoli, turmeric, pumpkin seeds…
Anthea loads the car and just before backing out of the parking lot, remembers to double check her list.
"Damn…forgot the ginkgo.” She shakes her head. She has no time to go back.
Arriving home ginkgoless, Anthea forces herself to smile at the irony. Ginkgo, for memory. At least she remembered her blueberries et al.
‘Help improve memory’ ads are directed to a boomer market. Prevagen for one, totes jellyfish as the saviour. I have no idea if the jellyfish in Prevagen is helpful. The theory is that the apoaequorin (the protein substance in the jellyfish) may impact calcium signaling in the brain. It has not been disproven. The ancient Japanese sought the jellyfish’s poaequorin for centuries, believing it helped the human brain.
Apparently, the product Prevagen does NOT use nature’s jellyfish. The version of poaequorin in Prevagen is synthetic, manufactured in a lab. I am sure the jellyfish are grateful. Fillers are also added. Is the product safe? The jury is out. Proponents say it improves brain power. Other studies illustrate risk factors of mini-stroke, vertigo, dizziness.
But some cite the same side effects for gingko.
Feeding the skin Earth to Body products means healthier skin. Does it mean a healthier brain? Certainly, in using natural sources right on the skin, like coconut, shea, organic oils, emu, argan, chia and avoiding fillers and harsh chemical preservatives, the body, brain included, are NOT being polluted.
Anthea’s research says that ginkgo will help her memory loss. She likes that it is not a synthetic, like many supplements on the market. Gingko is from the leaves of the ginkgo tree used to treat memory loss and cognitive disorders, arrhythmias and ischemic heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and thromboses. Is it safe? I like to think so. Research on toxicological effects of ginkgo, if there are any, is much less extensive compared to the research on pharmaceutical effects. As always, there needs to be more study.
I wish the answer were simple. Earth to Body believes in natural skin care, feeding the skin good healthy foods from nature. As does our body, our skin deserves the best.
Anthea has the right idea. Her list includes the foods recommended to help memory loss. blueberries, oranges, eggs, dark chocolate, coconut, broccoli, turmeric, pumpkin seed. Soon, she will add gingko. She also uses natural skin care.
We know eating certain foods and perhaps taking a supplement like gingko, help improve memory loss.
Does using homemade, natural, skin care improve memory? That may be a stretch. But what if, one day, it was shown that certain questionable chemicals in regular, commercial skin care, actually contributed to one’s memory loss, through years of pollution through the skin. Why take the chance? Eat well and use natural skin care.
In using Earth to Body products, at least your skin won’t let you forget us.