Do Visit Our Shop

Do Visit Our Shop

If you are in our Montreal area, please do stop by.  Our shop ‘La Boutique Earth to Body’, in the suburb of Valois, Pointe Claire, has been in production for over two years now. Customers have dropped in from as far away as Vancouver. We have customers from Toronto and Ottawa who shop when in town and as we become more known in this area, we now have many regulars to frequent our store. We attend craft shows across Canada, thus are fortunate to have a varied clientele whom we have met personally.  We love it when they, too, come to visit.

As many of you know, we are doing the Ste Anne de Bellevue Market in the summer and people are thrilled to learn we have a shop. Chef Steph is usually busy making soaps or creams and you can see him at work when you drop by. If he is at a vital stage he may call out, “I’ll be with you in a sec.” but no worries, he is an expert and will most certainly ‘pause’ asap to serve you.

The door and window to the production area are always open for a ‘peek-in’. Adam may also be in production or if not, up front in the shop. Another charmer. You will love him too. Laura is our new Earth to Body market chief at Ste Anne’s market. She has great enthusiasm for our products and you will enjoy her spirit. 

When Laura was on vacation, I was present at the market for most of July. Our 12 and 13-year-old grandsons helped out in setting up the booth, organizing the product on the shelves, running the inventory sales and dealing with the cash and cards. I was thrilled to see your warm encouraging smiles for their efforts. Thank you. The experience was invaluable for them and you, our customers, make it a most pleasant experience. Thank you.

While at the shop, please do enjoy perusing the perishables in the display fridge: creams, lotions, toners, oils. While we offer only 3 soap choices at the market on Saturdays, we have over 10 lovely soaps available at the shop.  

Our recipes vary, are all unique and we are sure you can find one for your needs.  We are most concerned with the ingredients in each product. Our goal is the nutrition. We choose worldwide, Canada for sure, and if you have a particular need or goal, please do ask. Testers of creams, lotions, butters etc are available for you to smell and feel the textures. If you are not local, please do try to meet us at a show!