21 fév 2012
We want to know where and what you buy and who you buy it from. Share a favourite local store, co-operative (see blog 'Celebrating the Seasonal'), organic farmer and even a...
05 fév 2012
I love to eat, as a matter-of-fact, I put a great deal of time and effort into making almost every meal a memorable (and hopefully enjoyable) experience. Cooking programs on...
15 jan 2012
Vacation time?   Travelling by air? Flying in an airplane is an immersion into germ warfare.   I have never actually crawled inside a giant caterpillar, but boarding an airplane...
10 jan 2012
AKA: NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure THE GOOD Nothing. However, to be fair to the debating club out there, there are always two sides to the story So I will try...
08 jan 2012
  This following scene takes place at StarMac FastaFood sometime In the future. Woman orders her lunch at counter. “A  StarMac Stack O'Burger with Pounda Cheese, Basket O' Fries...
29 déc 2011
Time to recycle an article on 'TAKING COLD SHOWERS'. Even in the cold weather?   Hey, it is wintertime so what the heck. It is cold outside. Keep with the theme. Hot showers are...
15 déc 2011
  There are many ways to DE STRESS. Christmas is over and New Years is upon us.  Now is the time to think about giving a gift to yourself. Here are the ‘8 fun Green Ways to Manage...
23 oct 2011
I believe microwave ovens are dangerous. I tossed mine. You CAN live without your microwave. Close your eyes. Transport yourself back in time where microwaves DID NOT exist....
01 oct 2011
OK, go ahead. Eat the apple too. Both will keep the doctor away. Especially if the treat is organic. I know of the controversy: organic vs. non-organic. I also know that many...
24 sep 2011
A good friend of mine recently linked this article  about food dyes on Facebook and it was so interesting that I wanted to talk about it's content here too. I feel really good...
