05 nov 2015
tamanu tree
It just never stops. Tamanu is a ‘drift seed’ like  a coconut.  Their shells, imperious to the sea waters, can float for months, even years, at sea.  This miracal nut travels the...
29 oct 2015
Félicitations à Allie, Lucy Hanafi, Carol Smith, Joanne Darrell et Joelle Perrier! S'il-vous-plaît contactez-nous à info@natural.ca pour recevoir votre billet...
12 oct 2015
Nature not only provides beauty, but also goodness.  The nutrients from fruit, nuts, flowers, leaves, bark and roots can sustain life.While oranges may conjure up an association...
05 oct 2015
truth about cosmetic toxicity
THE TRUST Clean with soap,Shampoo the hair,Lotion the bod,Talc with care, Polish the teeth,Gargle and spit,Spray the hair,Cream a bit Foundation first,Apply the blush,Redden the...
29 sep 2015
natural face paint
Halloween is one of kid’s favorite holidays. Transforming them selves. Leaving the house after dark.  Entering neighbor’s spooky yards. And of course, to Mom’s detriment… the...
11 sep 2015
Song for Autumn In the deep falldon’t you imagine the leaves think howcomfortable it will be to touchthe earth instead of thenothingness of air and the endlessfreshets of wind?...
28 aoû 2015
*/ Apparemment, la chaleur de l’été engendre la multiplication des mouches de fruits. Je suis certaine que nous ne sommes pas les seuls à souffrir de ces petites bestioles...
04 aoû 2015
Chia. Chia.  A super food for body and skin.  Sustaining, nourishing and gourmet. This beautiful purple flowered herb (Mint family) is native to Mexico and Guatemala.It is the...
15 juil 2015
sun illustration
We all know the harmful effects of the sun. Sunburn. Heat stroke. Premature skin aging. Skin Damage. Skin disease. And of course the “Big C”. And that’s not to mention the...
10 juil 2015
modern day female body ideal
  'To all the girls that think you're fat because you’re not a size zero, You’re the beautiful one. It’s society who’s ugly.' -Marilyn Monroe She seduces us with her flawless skin...
