13 mai 2019
There's nothing worse than sleepless nights. If you are an insomniac, I feel for you. I used to suffer night after night, so I am well aware of how the curse of wakefulness can...
10 mai 2019
Lemongrass Essential Oil. The real thing, not the synthetic version. Fresh. Citrus blossom scent. Magic in every drop.  Added to a favourite carrier oil, or to a blend like our...
09 mai 2019
facial toner natural soap
Sometimes two products work so well together it is shame to keep them apart.  Such is our emu neem soap and our organic rosewater facial toner.  A clean. A fresh. Our emu neem...
03 mai 2019
Dear Mom, It's difficult to find the words, as you mean so much to me. I will try and express the love and appreciation I have for you on this Mother's Day. A mother's love is...
25 avr 2019
I nickname benzophenone (ben-zo-fee-non) ‘Benzo’ because it’s easier to remember. It is the longer version, however, that you will find on certain ingredient labels, among all the...
16 avr 2019
Take a venture with me, to my first balcony garden in celebration of Earth Day! Many years ago I built an entire vegetable garden all by my-small-self. Three tiered. Stones for...
08 avr 2019
Awww fingernails.  We may love ‘em or hate ‘em, whether long, short, stubby, split, oval, square, pitted, spooned, flawed or perfect. But no matter our relationship with our nails...
03 avr 2019
Decision Fatigue  It's a real thing, and I am certain we all have it. Brains get tired. Decisions expend mental energy, reducing our ability to think straight. And since life is...
20 mar 2019
Hopefully we are saying goodbye to ‘winter itch’ now that spring is here,but don’t put away the zinc yet.  Zinc is all season. Zinc works for ‘Winter Itch’. Windy. Cold. Dry. The...
12 mar 2019
CLUTTER Why do most of us have the tendency to hold onto clutter, only to buy more? Why is it so hard to get rid of things we don't use? We convince ourselves, "I may need it in...
