20 Feb 2011

The days are numbered. Your 21 day challenge should soon be completed. Thanks to all of our participants. We have had a few queries, which we gladly answered, but it appears you are doing well out there in the Earth To Body CHALLENGE WORLD. We also understand that many of you are preparing to send in your write-ups.

Remember there will be 3 winners.
First winner will be chosen from all participants.
The 2nd and 3rd winner will be selected based on the write-up. (This part of the contest was optional). See the NEWS (WIN) on the home page for the details

Please send your write ups in by the end of the month. Include photos if possible.

Send to: info@natural.ca

I will be contacting each of you directly and to remind those of you who are also entering the second part of the competition to send in your writeups.

All winners will be announced on March 10th. Winners names will be posted on the website.  (With your permission of course)