09 Feb 2013


All testimonials are WONDERFUL, and with your permission, we publish them. Thank you, all.
Some stories are especially heartwarming and can trigger an element of hope. This sharing is important to us, too.

Cassandra's Story

 "The Soothing Oil has saved me. When I was 28 years old I had a very bad car accident where I was sideswiped by a transport truck on the highway. I went for years to every therapy you can imagine, but nothing could be done for my right hip, right where the seatbelt buckle is. It was diagnosed as Bursitis. Massage therapists still can't even go near the area and I'm now 42. I had very painful cortisone injections where they inserted a very long needle deep into my hip joint and its even more painful than it sounds! I am on an anti-inflammatory drug that helps somewhat but when it's damp and cold the pain can be unbearable.

While at an arts and craft show I came upon the display and the girls selling Earth to Body products. I explained my condition and they highly recommended I try the Soothing Oil. I had used every topical cream on the market, but the bottle was not expensive and as anyone who deals with chronic pain knows, you'll try anything.

That was about 10 years ago and I have been buying the Soothing Oil ever since. It is the only thing that actually gives me relief. I am so happy Earth to Body has been able to thrive and so many people love the products. I don't know what I would do without them. Taking a chance at a small town arts & craft show has been one of the best purchases I've ever made. The Lavender Spray is just a treat at bedtime. The high quality of the ingredients is what makes Earth to Body products stand out. I want to try the Cider Rinse for my hair!  " Cassandra Misale, Ontario

 Thank you, Cassandra