10 Jan 2025
…how much they love to chew the leaves and meaty fruit of the gnarly argan tree, native to Morocco. Climbing the tree is child’s play, they’ll say, and sometimes as many as 8 or 9 goats will challenge the swaying limbs. They do not seem to care if they damage or destroy the tree, or eat the fruit before it has ripened. After all, they are goats.
Ask the goats about the succulent argan oil...
20 Jan 2024
We often tout the benefits of a cold shower, cold water. Years ago I wrote about the cold in ‘Go Cold so no Cold’. It’s winter. It’s flu season. It’s time to remember cold can be good.
Be 2, or 3 or 4 years old in Siberia. Have your parents take you outside and rub you down with snow.You do not get the cold or flu.
Or live in Sweden. Have your parents pour very cold water on your head.This is...
03 Nov 2021
Squeeze the Colgate. Brush the teethCovergirl dark on eyes beneathRevlon the lips, a kiss so sweetApply Estee cream. It can’t be beatMaybelline the lash, a divine allureThis routine? It is less than pure
How much more can the skin endure?
You may have just drowned in siloxanes.
SILOXANE. “Is that the same as silicone?”, you ask?
Similar yes. If you have never heard of siloxane, now you have...
15 Dec 2020
Had a rough year? Does it help to know you aren't the only one? Some days may be so bad you couldn't care less about the rest of the world. We get it. We've had those days too. Thank goodness the end is in sight. By the spring/summer, we hope to be back to a ‘normal’. Or hopefully a better normal, but a normal without cumbersome masks and difficulty breathing. A normalcy of being able to hug...
22 Sep 2020
Masking is a challenge
To be effective, the mask needs to be snuggly placed across the bridge of the nose, flattened against the cheeks and secured under the chin. But all too often, we are witnessing on others, or perhaps ourselves, a mask that is too big or too small. Masks that are so tight we feel the suffocation, so loose we hear the wind tunnelling, so misshaped it cannot even find the...
28 Jun 2020
10% off Summer Must-Haves
Neem Body BarNori-Neem SoapSheamu Butter (both sizes)Shargan ButterZinc Oxide Blend (tub and tube)July 8, 9, 10 only Wednesday, Thursday, Friday3 day Special
Summer must-haves never change. We love the outdoors and while adapting to the new rules and staying safe, there are still the Canadian summer go-tos!
Neem Body Bar
Hiking in a provincial park?Golfing at dusk?...
20 Jun 2020
“Amazon delivery! Wahoo! My new shadow from ColourPop is here, Spiker.” Val chimes to her pet lab as he barks his approval. She then rips open the package and being smart and savvy, peruses the label.
“OK. Label. Let’s see what you say. Everyone is telling me to READ YOU. So here goes.”
Val scrunches her face as she skims the listing. The ingredients do not seem to be making much sense.
“OK. I...
20 Apr 2020
Dictionary definition before Covid 19:moosenoun: 1. a large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia and northern North America.
Dictionary definition during Covid 19:1. same as above 2. the distance of 2 metres required in ‘social distancing’ *advised during the Covid 19 pandemic based on the length of a moose
verb: ...
01 Apr 2020
The groceries are outside on his front porch, awaiting retrieval. The challenge is how to safely tote them inside?
On the screen is a U Tube Doctor demonstrating one method. The viewer watches, with certain trepidation, as conflicting advice has flooded the media. The concern is the packaging? The food? Covid contamination? Worry over how long germs stay on cardboard, plastic, metal?
The U Tube...
24 Mar 2020
Her shift was soon to begin. An emergency doctor, prepared for battle. Feet encased, monkey suit secured, hair harnessed, face masked. Glove? Only one? No time to search. Grabbing another, she greets her first patient of the day.
An hour later her nurse giggled, “We found the missing glove, Doctor.”
But why had no one said anything?
Perhaps the baby the doctor gently prodded and probed and...