16 May 2020
Staying home is the New Way. We need to make the best of it, honey. Honey soothes.Mix honey and water and you have hydrogen peroxide. This mild skin antiseptic soothes skin...
14 May 2020
Salmon, kale, eggs, tuna. All high in Retinol. Cheese. Liver, Cod, Squash. All high in retinol. Aka Vitamin A, an essential. When consuming fatty acids, we also consume the fat-...
06 May 2020
“Is This Product ‘Dermatologist Tested’?” An understandable query for one who is trying to make sure the product is ‘approved’ by people in the know. BUT, if the true nature of...
30 Apr 2020
Covid Hands. Dry, raw, red, cracked, sometimes bleeding. Many people suffering terribly. Sanitizing with alcohol based cleansers and or wearing gloves for hours on end are heroic...
20 Apr 2020
Dictionary definition before Covid 19:moosenoun: 1. a large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia...
16 Apr 2020
The jury is out. The world can’t decide. On masks: (views to date) The Czech Republic: masks mandatorySlovakia, Bosnia-Herzgovina, Morocco: masks mandatoryAustria: must wear a...
06 Apr 2020
We could all use a breath of fresh air. The other day we received one in the form of an email,  a happy, light spirited, sincere testimonial saying how much she loved us and...
01 Apr 2020
The groceries are outside on his front porch, awaiting retrieval. The challenge is how to safely tote them inside? On the screen is a U Tube Doctor demonstrating one method. The...
24 Mar 2020
Her shift was soon to begin. An emergency doctor, prepared for battle. Feet encased, monkey suit secured, hair harnessed, face masked. Glove? Only one? No time to search. Grabbing...
18 Mar 2020
With Covid-19, soap is even more of a necessity. Handwashing for 20 seconds or longer is not an easy feat. One trick is to sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice while enjoying the...
