17 Feb 2021
"Having no intention of following the cohort inside, she generously held open the entrance door and said, “Please, go ahead. You first.”
One job of disodium EDTA is to open...
10 Feb 2021
Future: Once satisfied the coast was clear, the hovering drone dropped the package on the front stoop and sped off. Mission accomplished: Musely delivered.
Musely is an online...
01 Feb 2021
1915: Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, California
Sitting comfortably in green velvet chairs in Hotel Alexandria’s plush hotel lobby, an industrious group of American farmers...
27 Jan 2021
Thank god for eyebrows. This little ridge of hair above the eye socket does a great job in saving our eyes. Excess sweat, moisture, rain are diverted sideways, away from our...
20 Jan 2021
If you are thinking about getting a fake tan this winter because your southern Vay Cay was put on hold, you might want to do a rethink. Let’s not get into whether or not you plan...
12 Jan 2021
In 2016, Toronto’s CTV news posted a story about a local boutique and customer Tara Lawless. The following scenario is a fictitious recall of the event, based on the facts.
15 Dec 2020
Had a rough year? Does it help to know you aren't the only one? Some days may be so bad you couldn't care less about the rest of the world. We get it. We've had those days too....
08 Dec 2020
A newborn baby delicately bathed in oil is a ritual in many countries: a welcome to enlightenment, protection, peace, light. Emu oil in Australia, Shea Butter in Africa, Kukui in...
02 Dec 2020
Many of you have heard of Manuka honey. That delectable darkish honey that you paid a fortune for because it’s worth every nickel. You made sure you did not buy the cheap one,...
25 Nov 2020
Covid Staycay. We are adapting and doing our best to deal with these challenging times. For Earth to Body, it means mega show cancellations across Canada. Craft shows, trade shows...