25 Mar 2017
all natural skin care
Bienvenue. It is that welcoming time of year when the spring sunshine dances shadows on the melting snow and sneaks its warmth into our still winter cool rooms.  Welcome to ‘La...
24 Mar 2017
Natural products are not the same as their chemical counterparts. The unpredictability of nature requires understanding and patience. We have not been conditioned to appreciate...
15 Mar 2017
If you have ever worked a craft show, (similar to trade shows) you know the sounds of set up.  Dollies rolling across bare cement floors, skids being unwrapped, clangs of curtain...
08 Mar 2017
Look closely at a glass of Guinness beer.  It is not black, but a very dark shade of ruby.  Precious like the gemstone.  Celebrate St Patrick’s Day (or the whole week) with a pint...
27 Feb 2017
"Salt is bad for you.""It increases blood pressure." "It absorbs the water from your system.""Salt causes kidney stones." Has this ‘salt shocking’ duped us all?   Table Salt is...
26 Feb 2017
‘Macho Man’?  ‘Metro Man’?  Modern Man?  Not sure?   No matter who you are, you will love us. If you like natural, subtle scents, and a good clean feel, read on. If you are...
25 Feb 2017
“I have to be careful what touches my skin.  I am so sensitive.”  I hear this lament fairly often.  If this is a song you sing, you may actually be the lucky one.   Yes, it may be...
08 Feb 2017
It was 15 years ago when we first started making skin care. We were excited about this venture, determined to make all recipes from scratch with nutrients healthy for the skin...
28 Jan 2017
by Heidi Shannon Soap is soap, right? Wrong!  There is bad soap, good soap and then there is Earth to Body's ‘Emu-Neem soap’.  Our first recipe for this soap was a test. We...
27 Jan 2017
This is our Earth to Body baby, Sidney Roy, proud son of Heidi and Steph, whom many of you have met at the shows!  Sidney is new to the world, new to Kangaroo Care and Baby...
