01 juil 2011

The Manic Mosquito Contest Part 1 is over. After pondering, humming, hawing, speculating, opinioning and whining heartily about those pesky little mosquitoes, you’ve said it all. They seem to like your blood, your perfume, your boyfriend, your scent, your blood type, and your Italian relatives. They prefer your pale skin, your tanned skin, and your sweet smell. Making sense of their manic madness.

Mosquitos can sense your carbon dioxide and lactic acid as far away as 1/2 football field length. So should we stop breathing when they buzz? Stop exercising. Stop sweating altogether? 

Mosquitoes can sense movement, rather than actually see us. She smells you upwind. She lands, pierces your skin with her proboscis and greedily sucks out your blood protein, the sought after sustenance for her ovaries and eggs. The male mosquito spends his time doing aerial stunts, loops, turns and dives, yet his ‘ears’ are always tuned in to her ‘whine frequency’. He really does listen.

Mosquitoes sense heat. So if you are feeling particularly warm or are simply ‘hot blooded’ you don’t have a chance.

Mosquitoes are naturally attracted to dark clothing. It reminds them of shade and foliage. So don’t dress like trees, ferns or weeds.  See How Mosquitoes Work.

Eat garlic. Mosquitoes don’t like it. Wear lemon tea tree oil, catnip, rosemary, and citronella. Carry a geranium. And remember the wonderful insect repelling properties of NEEM.

On special: Neembodybar, Nori Neem Soap, Neem Salve

The Manic Mosquito Contest Part 2 coming soon!