10 mar 2011

Thanks to all our participants for a job well done. We also wish to thank those of you who took the time to write in.

Congratulations to Claudia, S. of Ontario who has won a $200 shopping Spree with Earth to Body for her participation in our 21 Day Skin Management Challenge.

Upon hearing of her win, Claudia wrote:

“It was a big decision for me to go with natural skincare products after years of having very sensitive, reactive skin. I've tried many, many different department store brands. Even the most expensive French skincare lines did not help. It was wonderful to find a Canadian company committed to high quality and effective products based on truly natural ingredients. I am happy to say that my skin is responding wonderfully and I enjoy each of the products in the skin management system for their natural qualities and soothing, balancing properties. The system works and I've never been able to achieve comfortably balanced skin before with any other products. Congratulations on developing such a beautiful line of handcrafted products. I look forward to expanding this experience and exploring your other products.” Claudia S, Ontario

Thank you, Claudia, and to all of our 21 Day challengers.

Congratulations to Staci from London, Ontario who has won the second part of the challenge, THE WRITE-UP and wins a $300.00 shopping spree with Earth to Body.   Here the participant had to do a follow-up in any desired format describing their experience(s) in the 21 Day Challenge. Staci wrote a wonderful poem and sent in a great photo of herself and pet, Lexi. Thank you Staci. Lexi looks awesome too!

Earth to Body

The same old battle, the same old story.
All the scrubbing without the glory.
It was time to try something fresh and new,
Hoping for skin with a healthy dew.

A click of a button the way of the future.
Believing nature would be able to nurture.
A new skin regime to start a new chapter.
A new skin regime, my youth to recapture.

The tiny brown box arrived at my door.
I was very curious about what was in store.
At first my skin was a bit red and tight.
But I stuck with it and it soon became bright.

Now the 21 days have come to an end,
While I mix water and clay-neem to a blend.
The soothing sensation of moisturizing emu oil.
To the Skin Management Program I will remain loyal.

"Thank you Earth to Body for providing me with a natural way to keep my sensitive and troubled skin under control."