02 Nov 2022


and receive 'Gifts to Give'

November 2nd-6th (EST)
5 Day sale: Wednesday through Sunday


12 % off almost EVERYTHING

(except Emu oils, X Pack, Baby Pack, Skin Management Program)

Holiday Cheers and Free gifts* for you or a loved one

Purchase  $75.00 (after discount): Cinnamon Swirl Soap
(not available for sale)  
Purchase  $100 (after discount): Cinnamon Swirl Soap and Lavender Linen Spray
Purchase  $135 (after discount) : Cinnamon Swirl Soap and
Lavender Linen Spray and pure Argan Oil (30 ml)

(Total gift value is over $50.00)

*All gifts are gifted AFTER THE DISCOUNT and before taxes.

Please look at your total AFTER THE DISCOUNT, and before the Taxes to see if you are eligible

The gifts will not appear on your invoice, 
but we shall register what gifts you earn and include them in your order!


Thank you for your continued support and

Happy Holidays!