This following scene takes place at StarMac FastaFood sometime In the future.
Woman orders her lunch at counter.
“A StarMac Stack O'Burger with Pounda Cheese, Basket O' Fries and a small King O' DietSoda please!” she asks.
“Comin’ right up!" pipes the server. "Check out the free 'Dial Up Pill Spinner' on the bottom of the bottle. It's new! So cool.” He enthusiastically hands her the small litre size bottle of King O' DietSoda. A glaring yellow and black label shines out.
She reads:
Contains more ASPARTAME than ever!
Lose weight while you sip pure sweet pleasure!
Our Dial Up Pill Spinner, with 8 DIAL ups on the bottom of this bottle, contain cure-all pills to alleviate any symptom(s) that you may be experiencing.
Feeling tired Dial 1: Fast Pep-Up
Shooting pains / spasms Dial 2: Purge the Pain
Depression Dial 3: Feel Higher
Anxiety Attack Dial 4: Calm Right Down
Dizziness / Vertigo Dial 5: Stop Falling
Memory Loss Dial 6: Instant Recall
Weight gain Dial 7: Fade the Fat
Numbness in Lungs Dial 8: Breathe Deeper
Spin the dial to the most prominent symptom. Slit open foil and pop out the pill.
Do not consume pills for more than 3 symptoms at a time.
Do not take Dial 3 and 4 together, unless you include Dial 5.
Do not take 2, 5 and 8 together. If you have these 3 symptoms at the same time, see your doctor
Dial 6 works well with Dial 1
King O'DietSoda is recommended for over 6 months old.
Dial Up Pills recommended for over 8 years of age
Dial Ups are best taken with any Fasta Food and our bottle of King O' DietSoda.
Diet products contain aspartame to help you loose weight. Any side effects that may be caused by taking aspartame can now be countered by our new Dial Up Pill Spinner, free on the bottom of each bottle of King O' DietSoda.
"How very cleaver! ", she turns to her friend. "As you know, I have been experiencing many of these symptoms listed here on the bottle. Trust King O' DietSoda to cure what ails us!"
End of scene
What do you think of the 'ingenuity' of the fictional King O-DietSoda and their new Dial Up Pills on the bottom of the bottle?
Did you know that aspartame actually makes you gain weight?
Did you know that many of the above symptoms are caused by aspartame?
What are your views? More information on Aspartame